Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What is Tutoring in Brighton?

What is Tutoring in Brighton?Tutoring in Brighton has been working with haslett Mi for over three years now and they are pleased with the amount of work they are getting out of the duo. Not only have they made an impression on the English student community but also the students from other language backgrounds. In addition to working with the students in the ESL program, the pair has also worked with many different types of foreign students, and they have a solid reputation with teachers in the area.Tutoring in Brighton offers a variety of courses from the simple classroom training to the more intense academic tutoring programs. They offer different levels of training in various levels of difficulty, so students should be able to find one that fits their needs perfectly. Students can choose how intensive they want their training to be.Tutoring in Brighton is taught by haslett Mi. She has been teaching since 2020 when she first started working with ESL students. Since then she has spen t three years working with the Brighton International English Centre, which is the international group that helps teach students. When it comes to tutoring, Mi has a unique way of approaching things and works closely with her students to ensure that they understand the instruction and have a great work experience.Tutoring in Brighton offers a wide range of training programs from the introductory level to the advanced coursework. All levels of courses can be tailored to match the skills of the students. At the intermediate level they offer general coaching as well as focused program.The Advanced course allows students to apply what they have learned and build upon their work experience. In addition to this they also use a combination of practice work and assignments to help them improve and progress with their work. The emphasis of this course is to make sure the students are learning from the practical application and not just a textbook.Tutoring in Brighton also helps bring student s together. They work with the community to foster better relationships and increase the level of trust between the students in the classes. They help students get to know each other and how they work together as a group.Students can work as a pair, or they can choose to split up the load between two students. There is a low or zero rating for each class that will determine how many students are needed. If there are more than two students in the class then they will split up the class to ensure that all the students receive the attention they need. However, if there are two students in the class then they will be sharing the load.Tutoring in Brighton is helping haslett Mi and her students achieve the success they deserve. Students are growing in confidence as they go through the lessons and the school works towards giving them a good working environment. If you are looking for tutoring then have a look at the opportunities available to see if there is something for you.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

What Are Buffers in Chemistry?

What Are Buffers in Chemistry?What are buffers in Chemistry? These are used by the elements to react with each other in order to separate different kinds of substance. There are several different buffers, such as phosphoric acid, sulfate and ammonium ions, and there are also other kinds of buffers which are neutral buffers, ionic buffers, and chemical buffer kits.Buffer kits are available to purchase from many vendors and often come with free chemical buffers, all you have to do is to follow instructions for use. These kits normally include two chemicals, one neutral and one acidic. Neutral buffers are less than 50 percent Sulfate by volume, neutral buffers give a stronger acidic reaction, and acid buffers are more acidic than neutral. You will need to adjust the strength of your neutral or acid buffers according to the chemical reaction you are conducting.A buffer is important because it helps neutralize the reaction between two chemicals. It is also helpful in creating a reaction t hat is a combination of the two chemicals. The strong, but less acidic, buffer will reduce the reaction of the stronger but more acidic, one.Buffers are used in chemistry to separate and prepare various kinds of substances. For example, it is used in the separation of heavy metals like lead from oil, to make sure the solubility is low, to control the boiling point, to prevent the release of volatile organic compounds, and to determine the properties of solids. Of course, there are other uses that are essential for the maintenance of our civilization.Inorganic buffer materials include buffers with very high pK a and low cationic or anionic groups. The molecular formula for an amine salt is CH2O3, for a trisaccharide is CH4CH2O1. Amines usually have a larger molecular mass than proteins, but the protein groups can be recovered from the salts.Binders are a type of buffer. They are extremely effective at binding. But they also are bound to carbon atoms by hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Th ere are several types of buffers available. Three of them are amines, bromides, and esters.When you need a buffer in chemistry, the first thing you need to do is to find out the molecular formula of the chemical you are working with. When you have this information, add the appropriate quantity of the chemical to be buffered. So if you want a sodium bicarbonate buffer, make sure that you get sodium carbonate, and not sodium bicarbonate. You should also consider using an ionic buffer or ionic cleaning buffer if you don't want a strong sodium salt.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Volume of Right Circular Cylinder Tutors

Online Volume of Right Circular Cylinder Tutors A cylinder is a 3-dimensional geometric figure which consists of circular bases and these bases when connected together form the curved surface of the cylinder. If the line joining the centers of the two congruent circular bases is perpendicular to the radius of the circles, then the cylinder is known as the right circular cylinder. Volume of a right circular cylinder is the product of the area of the circular base and the height of the cylinder. Example 1: What is the volume of the cylinder whose radius of the base is 4.5m and the height is 6m. Given radius of the cylinder, r = 4.5m Height of the cylinder, h = 6m Volume of the cylinder, V = * r2 * h Substituting the radius and the height in the above volume formula, we get Volume, V = * (4.5m) 2 * (6m) == * 20.25m2 * 6m Volume, V = 121.5 Volume of the cylinder, V = 381.7m3 Example 2: What is the volume of the cylinder whose radius of the base is 2.4m and the height is 5m. Given radius of the cylinder, r = 2.4m Height of the cylinder, h = 5m Volume of the cylinder, V = * r2 * h Substituting the radius and the height in the above volume formula, we get Volume, V = * (2.4m) 2 * (5m) == * 5.76m2 * 5m Volume, V = 28.8 Volume of the cylinder, V = 90.5m3

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Guide To Build Good Relationships with Co-Workers - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Guide To Build Good Relationships with Co-Workers - Introvert Whisperer Guide To Build Good Relationships with Co-Workers Human beings are social creatures by nature: and, that goes for the introverted people too. Positive interactions and friendships are very critical, especially at the workplace. Remember that it is where people spend most hours of their lives. The management is well aware of what good relations at the workplace come with; it is for that reason that emotional intelligence tests are carried out alongside cognitive ability test during hiring. Good work relationships contribute to better performance as people find work more enjoyable if they relate well with their colleagues. A good work relationship is defined by mutual respect, trust, welcoming diversity, open communication, and mindfulness. While it may be easy for folks with certain personality types to create good relationships at the workplace, for some like the introverts it may be a little bit challenging. However, the following tips will go a long way in helping you achieve that. 1. Work on your people skills People skills can be defined merely as behavioral interactions. For you to foster good relationships at the workplace, the first thing you should take care of is your people skills. Equip yourself with soft skills, which mean how you deal with conflict, communicate and collaborate with others. You can conduct a self-test and see where you are with people skills and identify areas that you will need to improve. 2. Assess your relationship needs You need to take time and determine your needs in relationships. Know what others need from you and what you need from them. That way you will be able to make significant improvement in your relationships. 3. Develop your EI You need to develop your emotional intelligence. It plays a critical role in helping you know how other people feel and interpreting their emotions. It is also essential for you as a person as it will help you take control of your own feelings. 4. Create time to build relationships Do not stay behind your desk all day at the workplace. Step out of your shell once in a while. It does not mean that you won’t get your work done. Twenty minutes a day should be enough. You can further segment it into five minutes and use them to know how your colleague is doing at the other corner of the office. Lunch hours are also a great time to interact with your colleagues and build relationships. If you are used to going for lunch alone, consider going with someone this time around. 5. Be positive No one wants to be around a person who rants the whole day about the boss or something else about the job. For you to have healthy relations at the workplace, it is essential that you be positive. It is contagious and more so, attractive. It is important also to note that good work relationships are based on mutual respect. That means that you should stay away from anything that puts that at stake. Therefore you should avoid gossiping and manage boundaries.

Getting the Gig Audition Tips for Musicians

Getting the Gig Audition Tips for Musicians Suzy S. Preparing for an upcoming audition? It’s a competitive world out there! To get a leg up, check out these helpful audition tips from Tao G., who teaches music theory, trombone, and guitar lessons in New York City: Work in the music industry is drying up due to lack of funds, a generational shift of interest away from live classical music, and the evolution of music taste to an industry that places more importance on being a dramatic public figure than being a good musician. Broadway shows aren’t willing to pay 30-piece orchestras when they can get away with pressing play on an MP3. Symphony orchestras are going bankrupt because their audience is literally aging out. Established performers are hanging on to their job until they retire. All these factors are creating a bottleneck of resistance for many young musicians looking to make a living playing music. Consequently, young musicians may find themselves unsure how to break into the business. I’m speaking mainly of orchestral, jazz, and commercial work. But this also applies to any musician trying to get a gig with big bands like the Glenn Miller Orchestra, cruise ships, television and film soundtracks, military bands like the President’s Own, Broadway and other major productions like Cirque du Soleil, musical theater touring, theme parks like the Disney Bands, solo recording, and so forth. So here are some general audition tips I’ve accumulated through my experience. This information is of course intended as a helpful guideline and should be supplemented with lessons through a private instructor. Master your instrument. This means practicing often, working on the basics of your instrument and attacking your weaknesses. Don’t always play what you are good at. Well-rounded musicians find more success than one-trick ponies. Your ability to speak through your instrument should be as comfortable as speaking your native language. Know who and what you are auditioning for. This is somewhat self-explanatory, but is extremely important in this context. Orchestral auditions, for example, are intense ordeals that require your absolute finest preparation and attention to detail. But the auditioning panel in Chicago will want something different than the New York Philharmonic. Listen to recordings of the group you want to join so you know what sound they want to hear, and get to know your musical director’s style. Mock-audition for others first. Play your materials for family, friends, pets, neighbors, and certainly other musicians. Get rid of performance anxiety by getting comfortable playing with other people listening intently. Also, listen to recordings of yourself. You never can believe how sloppy you sound until you put a microphone in front of yourself and listen back! But that helps build finesse and precision. Let them talk. Ours is an industry that stands on the bitter truths of criticism; from other musicians, critics, teachers, and consumers. However, it’s not always a bad thing to learn that you have a deficiency in one area or another, because that knowledge can help you focus your practice. Young musicians, especially college students, are extremely susceptible to harsh criticism. Always believe in yourself, and remember that even Miles Davis had critics. Love what you do. If you want to play jazz trombone, become the smartest person you know about jazz trombone. Get every recording of J J Johnson and his contemporaries, then listen to modern trombonists like Marshall Gilkes. Transcribe everything you hear. Go to jazz clubs. Learn the language of jazz musicians, because when you finally do get in with those cats, you want to be able to keep up so you get another gig with them. The important point of this is that you should be excited about what you do, with music as in life in general. It should make you happy to work hard for what you want. Like I said, these audition tips are general in nature and the best advice I can put together from my experience getting through and winning auditions myself. I would encourage you to also research on your own the methods of great players that have done what you want to get into. For trombonists in particular, check out for a whole community of players to gain knowledge from. Similar websites and communities exist for other instrumentalists like and, for cellists and trumpeters, respectfully. And finally, advice on surviving the day of your audition starts with the night before: Get plenty of sleep! Stay away from caffeine the day of to reduce unintentional tremors. Give yourself a healthy amount of time before the audition to travel to the location, sign in, and then set up your instrument. Don’t do something different on this day; practice as you always do, for this creates a sense of familiarity and comfort that aids in reducing anxiety. Try not to chat up your peers as many people need some privacy before auditioning and may find your chattiness to be rude. Find a water fountain and take a little walk to it every 10 minutes or so. The water is good for keeping you alert and hydrated, and the walk will let you work out some of the uneasiness of waiting. Don’t overplay! Warm up and then put the horn down. You want your embouchure/hands/head fresh but settled into playing “shape” when your name is called. Breathe! Take deep, purposeful breaths while playing as nervousness tends to lead people to taking quick, short breaths which could lead to phrases losing their intensity or dying altogether before their intended duration. The rest is up to you, your preparation, and the will of the panel. Listen to their instructions and do your best to comply quickly but purposefully. And when it’s all over, I suggest getting a transcript of the judge’s notes so you can study the things they didn’t like and use it to improve for the next audition. I hope this guide is helpful to you. Any questions, please look me up through! Good luck! Tao G is a professional trombonist and teacher in NYC. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the Dana School of Music and his specialties include musical theater, jazz, classical, audition repertoire, music theory, and ear training. He is also popular in Japan as a didgeridoo soloist. Tao joined the TakeLessons team in early 2014. Learn more about Tao, or search for a teacher near you! Photo  by Camilo Rueda López   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

What is it Like to Attend Boston University

What is it Like to Attend Boston University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Catherine is a New York City tutor specializing in all levels of Latin tutoring. She holds a Bachelors degree in Ancient Greek and Latin from Boston University. Check out her review of her undergraduate experience: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Catherine: Boston University doesnt have a traditional campus feel, although there is a central campus and a sort of quad we call the Beach. Boston is a wonderful starter city for students who have always wanted to live in an urban setting but dont want to be overwhelmed. The campus isnt that large, but there is the subway or The T. A car would be a hassle to park. A bike would be helpful (but watch out for the drivers!) if you lived in West Campus or off campus in Allston. VT:How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Catherine: My professors and teaching assistants were always available during their office hours and by appointment. I loved my academic advisor, Prof. Stephanie Nelson. Although she was very busy, she always made time for me. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Catherine: I had a unique experience as I always lived in a brownstone in specialty housing. I highly recommend applying for specialty housing. My friends who lived in the dorms had the standard college experience. They made friends on their floors and in the student lounges. My friends who lived in West Campus complained that they lived far from the main campus, but there is more of a traditional dorm setting up there. Its a trade-off. At the time I attended, there were many dining options that combined dining hall and points to use after the dorms closed at night or at the student union (GSU). The food has a good reputation at BU. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Catherine: The most popular majors are Business, Management, Marketing, Social Sciences, Communication, Journalism, and Engineering, but the school offers a tremendous amount of other majors as well. I started out as a premed student. I was taking the required science courses. At the same time, I also loved the Classics, so I decided to major in Ancient Greek and Latin. I cant praise the Classics Department enough! They were so supportive, and as a Classics major, you feel as though you are attending a much smaller school. Im still in touch with some of my professors, and I graduated almost 10 years ago! VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Catherine: It was quite easy to meet friends. I started making friends at Freshman Orientation. Because I lived in specialty housing which is smaller, I had to make a bit of extra effort to meet people than the students who lived in a big dorm. I knew a few people who belonged to a fraternity, but Greek life isnt too big at BU. All the sororities and fraternities are off campus. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Catherine: I visited the Career Center to get advice and for career testing, and they were very helpful. Because there is such a vast alumni network, many great companies recruit students and alumni. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Catherine: BU is constantly building new spaces for students. The only time I found the library and student union to be too crowed was during finals. I am curious to see what theyve done since I graduated. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Catherine: Boston is a great, small city. People from some cities find it somewhat limiting because all the bars close at 2 a.m. and the T stops running at 12:30 a.m., but I really didnt mind since I was from the middle of nowhere. Boston is a cultural center, so there are a ton of museums, restaurants, shopping areas, concert venues, etc. They have all that you could ask for in a city. Students constantly go downtown Its so close. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Catherine: With over 18, 000 students, it is a large school. I was generally pleased with my class sizes, especially for my Classics courses and in my recitations. Lectures can be a few hundred people, but there is a good TA to student ratio. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Catherine: There were so many memorable moments at BU, but I really loved how the professors in the Classics Department did individual speeches for the graduates at graduation. That touched my heart! Check out Catherines tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Be Relevant, Be Memorable and Be Noticed with a Marketing Message - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Be Relevant, Be Memorable and Be Noticed with a Marketing Message - Introvert Whisperer Be Relevant, Be Memorable and Be Noticed with a Marketing Message Career Attraction August 18, 2014 Career Development, Personal Branding, Self-Promotion No responses Go to top There are many times where you have the chance to share information about yourself and your job search, and you don’t want to miss an opportunity because you’re not prepared. Whether it’s at networking events, on social media, when you interact with your family and friends or any chance encounters you may have, a powerful marketing message can distinguish you from other job seekers and create a memorable impression with those you meet. You’re contending with everyone else for attention, and you want anyone you meet, either in person or online, to remember who you are, what you do, what kinds of companies you can help and how you solve problems. You are the product. You help companies solve a problem; now you have to deliver a message that describes your strengths in a memorable way. You want to motivate others to learn more about you and to know when to refer you or identify potential job openings that would be relevant for you. So, what do you say when someone asks, “What do you do?” It sounds like a simple question, but how you handle the next 15-60 seconds could be the difference between a casual encounter and a potential job opportunity. This is why you need to create your personal marketing message, one that differentiates you from everyone else. The average person only has an attention span of about 25 seconds, so if you aren’t prepared with a well-crafted, easy-to-understand, intriguing yet personal message, you could lose out. What exactly is a “marketing message” for a job seeker? Simply, put it is: A confidently delivered, concise a 30- to 60-second statement that is easy to understand. A portrayal of you, the type of job you’re seeking and the type of company or companies you want to work for. A description of a challenge or problem you solve that adds value to the company you work for. Attention-grabbing. A powerful first impression. A conversation starter. A narrowly focused mini sales pitch. A memorable way for people to share what you do with others. Crafted with the person you are talking to in mind. Personal and not pushy. How to create your unique marketing message: The following is a step-by-step guide for developing your exclusive marketing message. Be specific to increase your chances of leaving a memorable and lasting first impressionâ€"an important step in cultivating business relationships. 1. Know who you want to talk to. First, you need to know who you want to talk to. This will help you you share what you do in a way that is relevant to their needs. Who is your target audience? Be specific. You can’t be everything to all companies, so you need to be clear about who your ideal “customer” is. Use the following questions to accurately define your “customer”: What type of company do you want to work for? A large corporation? A small startup? What type of corporate culture are you seeking? What type of work do you want to do? What industry do you want to work in? What specific companies are you interested in working for? This doesn’t mean you’re locked into one target market or company, but in order to gain attention and give people the information they need to most effectively help you, you need to accurately and specifically describe what you’re looking for. The more specific you are, the better your chances of creating a marketing message that will be compelling and enable your “customer” to think about who they know and can refer you to. 2. What are your networking goals for your job search? Know what you’re trying to accomplish when networking. Are you trying to: Meet people from a particular target company? Talk to someone about a specific type of job and better understand the responsibilities? “Sell” yourself to someone who works for a company you’re targeting? Earn a referral? Get an interview? Set up a future meeting to explore employment options? Ask for help on how to position your skill set within a particular company or industry? Simply inform people of your situation? This information is important as it will guide you in how to position your marketing message. 3. Now, write some action statements about what you do and what makes you different. Demonstrate what you do and why people should want to hire you. Clarify and emphasize your competitive advantages and what makes you different. Play around with words and phrases until it sounds just right. Use the phrases that best highlight what you do and what you have done. Share examples of ways you have helped to drive change, implemented a solution or solved a problem. Some ideas include: Describe your attributes: I am reliable, detail-oriented, creative, a problem-solver. Describe your experience: I have experience in developing social media strategies in Facebook, reconciling financial statements, etc. Use examples from relevant work you’ve done in the past: I worked at a local pizza shop, where I handled scheduling and managed other employees or I helped implement X strategy at my internship. Mention classes you have taken and how you can apply what you learned to future work. 4. Next, it’s time to use these action statements to create your marketing message. This should be a declaration or question designed to prompt some action linked with your goal (getting a meeting, getting a referral, etc.). Rather than saying “I’m looking for a job in ____,” demonstrate your skills and experience with a message like: I help companies increase lead generation by developing creative marketing strategies using social media. I’m looking for a small company in the financial services industry that needs more visibility in their market. I’m a master at managing projects and can help companies manage the public relations process, from writing press releases to contacting the media to getting articles published. I’m especially interested in working for an advertising agency. Metrics are my passion, and I help companies drive results by analyzing marketing trends to provide information for more effective marketing decisions. The companies I’m pursuing include __________, __________ and __________. I understand the restaurant industry and have experience in food service, scheduling and bartending. I’m interested in applying my hands-on experience with the valuable restaurant management courses I took at XYZ University to increase profitability in the restaurant business. My passion and attention to detail are what will set me apart from others. I’m looking for a restaurant that needs help managing their business. I am passionate about helping people stay productive on the job by keeping computers online and in use. My IT experience includes programming and systems administration, and I’m specifically looking to join a large corporation in the Jacksonville area. The idea is to create a power statement that will paint a picture of what you do and how you help. This makes it so much easier for people to know how to help you and to put you in touch with the right people. 5. Practice your message and get feedback. Rehearse many timesâ€"in front of the mirror, to your family and your friends, to your dog. The contents and essence of your message should be memorized; however, the delivery should be more natural and flow with the conversation. You don’t want to sound like a telemarketer reading from a script. With that said, until you get really comfortable, start with memorizing your message and, as you get in the groove, you can continue to practice and work on your delivery. Be genuineâ€"you are marketing yourself, and people like to know who you are and if you would be a cultural fit with the companies or people they may refer you to. Don’t stress about getting it perfect. The perfect message may not sound as genuine. 6. Be prepared for the next time you meet someone. Be confident and passionate in delivering your marketing message, and people will be more likely to remember you. Be flexible depending on your circumstances. If you’re at a job fair and will be talking to people at specific companies, you’ll want to position yourself differently than if you were meeting someone at an alumni networking event. Don’t be afraid to ask for somethingâ€"a business card, a referral or to schedule time for a follow-up discussion. Don’t be pushy. Read the other person’s signals to see if they’re even interested in learning more or having additional conversations. Are they engaged in your conversation, or are they looking around? Are they asking you questions? Are they actively listening? Be ready when someone asks you to “tell me more.” Be ready to tell a story that further clarifies what you do and demonstrates your abilities and how they helped solve a problem. I can’t reinforce this enough, but make sure it’s a story that will resonate with the person you’re talking to. (You have been asking some questions and actively listening, right?) Now what? How and when do you use your marketing message? The short answer: anytime. Anytime someone asks you, “What do you do?” you should be prepared to share your message. If you were successful in coming up with something thats interesting, compelling and intriguing, you will “hook” the person into asking you to tell them moreâ€"and now you can share your story. This will open the door to further conversation and networking opportunities. How can you tell if have a goodâ€"no, GREATâ€"marketing message? Let’s see. If you can answer “yes” to the following questions, then you are good to go! Does your marketing message briefly describe what you do? Is it clear who your target market is? Is your message personal and relevant to the person you are talking to? Does your message describe how you are different/better than other candidates? (What makes your capabilities unique? What is your competitive advantage?) Is your message memorable? Are YOU memorable? (Energetic, enthusiastic and passionate without being over the top?) Is it clear that you’re enthusiastic and passionate about what you do? Is your message clear about what problems you can solve? (What exactly do you do?) Is it attention-grabbing? Compelling? Maybe a little humorous? Intriguing? Is your message short and to the point? What will your marketing message be? This post originally appeared on Career Attraction. Image: Cindy Schultz Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer